Sales Funnel Design: Convert, Automate, & Sale.
I'll work with you to design a sales capturing funnel.
We'll spend about 90 minutes together where you'll see the exact automation systems, process maps, and blueprints I've used to double my personal business this year.
Here's What You'll Get From the Sales Funnel Design:
This design consultation will be around 90 minutes long, and it's exclusively for online business owners who want to increase sales and revenue, eliminate frustrating "busy work", and gain more freedom in their businesses using advanced automation.
Here's what you're getting, INCLUDED:
Blueprints, Process Maps, and Detailed Breakdowns Of Three Automated Marketing Systems That Are Currently Working Best Right Now.
"Prescriptions" For What Type of Automated Campaign Works Best To Sell Specific Products In Specific Industries.
How To Identify People Who Are "On The Edge" Of Purchasing ...So You Can Automatically Give Them The Extra Info They Need And Get The Sale.
How To Automatically Know When Prospects Lose Interest ...And Instantly Change Your Marketing Approach To Re-Engage Them (Without Lifting A Finger)
Design and CREATION of a 3-Stage Funnel with Landing Page, Checkout, and Upsell!
This strategy session & funnel design is for results.
About Your Funnel Hacker:
Jeff J Hunter is a highly sought after and internationally recognized Internet Marketing consultant and copywriter. He is the creator of the 9010 Life, an automated and virtual assistant marketing approach which speeds up your sales cycle by customizing your marketing messages based on your prospect's behavior (without you doing all the work!)
Copyright 2023 Jeff J Hunter A California Company