The Ultimate Virtual Assistant Job Description: Attract Top Talent! 

July 18, 2024

By  Jeff J Hunter

A Virtual Assistant job description can help you a ton when you’re trying to find one.

But honestly, if you’re working with us, you wouldn’t even need it because we’ll take care of the vetting, hiring, and training.

But if you truly need one and are looking for help finding the best virtual assistant, then stick around. I’m going to show you how to craft the perfect virtual assistant job description that will help you find someone amazing who fits the exact needs of your company.

Instead of rushing to find “someone, anyone” who can start immediately, make a decision now to dive into the skills, traits, and technologies that go into a virtual assistant job description that will land a truly indispensable employee who helps a business grow and thrive.

Table Of Contents:

What Does A Virtual Assistant Actually Do?

Virtual assistants are popping up everywhere, and for good reason. Many businesses are transitioning to more flexible work environments, but even a brick-and-mortar company still has scheduling, logistics, communications, and more. It’s easy to see the attraction for companies – instead of having another desk in a small office, why not have an expert employee handling everything digitally?

Defining The Specific Skills & Roles In a Virtual Assistant Job Description

A virtual assistant can specialize in areas like:

  • Administrative assistance
  • Social media management
  • Marketing Assistant
  • Bookkeeping
  • Customer Service
  • Content Writing
  • Travel Arrangements
  • Data Entry
  • Administrative Support

The best virtual assistant job description will define those skill sets. Although it might be appealing to list *everything*, especially when hoping to attract someone capable, those skills also inform salary.

A virtual assistant with expertise in social media and email marketing, for example, can expect to earn more, since those duties are more highly sought after. Before listing skills and roles, decide if there is room to specialize.

Would a virtual administrative assistant fit best, or should they be focusing primarily on creative writing, content management, and posting blog updates?

Crafting An Engaging & Detailed Virtual Assistant Job Description – Make it Irresistible.

Crafting a virtual assistant job description that is engaging, comprehensive, and transparent about salary and expectations saves everyone time and aggravation.

It’s Not Just About Ticking Boxes. The Traits that Elevate A VA from Adequate To Exceptional

It goes deeper than just finding someone who can competently handle admin tasks. It takes soft skills, including:

  • Exceptional communication – The ability to express needs clearly and respectfully, especially in written form since remote employees rarely see their managers in person.
  • Problem-solving – An employee should be able to make confident, informed decisions to support a business or executive leadership member without needing constant approval. Those 23 minutes it takes for a worker to refocus can cripple a business if happening all the time.
  • Anticipating needs – Being several steps ahead can keep a day flowing and allow for smooth adjustments to schedules and more.
  • Resilience and grace under fire – Entrepreneurs and small business owners experience their fair share of chaotic days. Virtual assistants who crumble or shut down won’t support anyone during these make-or-break situations.

Here at VA Staffer, I’ve seen first-hand how AI-powered human assistants make a real impact on client businesses. The forward-thinking companies are looking towards combining AI tools and automation with human skill sets, a hybrid approach she has leaned into by providing her entire team with in-depth training in AI alongside essential skills.

How To Structure Your Job Description – It’s All In The Flow

Don’t overwhelm a prospective employee. A virtual assistant job description can become unwieldy quickly. When structuring a job posting, keep it simple and clear, making the content as user-friendly and accessible as possible.

Think back to the virtual assistant job description examples from Workable and Monster.

Virtual Assistant Job Description Example – How It Should Look

  • Begin by giving an enticing overview of the company. A chance you already know a lot about the benefits of a work-from-home job, especially the best home jobs available these days. Highlight the qualities that set you apart to attract interest from high-value workers who’ve worked with some of the companies hiring for remote roles.
  • State the Purpose and Roles. Briefly, and in detail, explain the *exact* responsibilities – the candidate needs to decide if they fit those roles.
  • Outline Work Hours and Expectations. Whether the employee will need to report for team meetings or can adjust to whatever time zone they live in, being upfront keeps communication clear and reduces the risk of someone agreeing to things they ultimately resent.
  • Benefits – Detail Those Perks. Many businesses in our ever-evolving corporate landscape (as we both know all too well) offer benefits beyond salary and sick leave. Some examples include professional development, leadership skills training, membership programs, and stipends or reimbursement for remote office supplies or technology.
  • State Required Skills and Education – Do you need someone comfortable creating and distributing digital press releases for public relations outreach (that also demands a grasp of writing best practices)? List degrees or certifications that demonstrate those skills and quantify experience – for example: “2+ years of experience in website administration and maintenance”.
  • Finalize With a Compelling Call to Action – Give prospective applicants explicit instructions – an email with a cover letter attached perhaps.

Virtual Assistant Certification Programs

There is so much competition in the world of virtual assistance, it’s wild. I hear it all the time from entrepreneurs or managers who lament that no one has the expertise or just doesn’t take the initiative. Although it might be tempting to dismiss someone who hasn’t had a job in virtual assistant work previously, a training course can do a world of good.

In today’s world, more workers are focusing on building unique skill sets and mastering diverse capabilities in a push toward remote jobs. It isn’t enough to list basic MS Office proficiency – demonstrating specialized skills through relevant certificates and qualifications gives prospective virtual assistant employees a definite edge.

FAQs about the virtual assistant job description

What is a virtual assistant job description?

A virtual assistant job description is a detailed document outlining the responsibilities, skills, experience, education, qualifications, and working conditions required for a virtual assistant role. It aims to attract qualified candidates with the right skills, like email management and communication skills.

What are the requirements for a virtual assistant?

The specific requirements will vary, depending on the company, the skills the role needs (social media or marketing, etc.), and whether AI is being used. Generally, virtual assistants should possess strong administrative, organizational, and communication skills. A strong internet connection and competency using technology are essential.

They must be reliable, proactive, self-motivated, and able to handle a fast-paced remote environment. Experience with customer service and phone calls, word-processing software, scheduling tools, and CRMs is a bonus, but if someone has a track record of taking the initiative in previous roles including taking the steps I outlined to shine even better.


A well-crafted virtual assistant job description can help you target the right VA. Don’t use just a VA job description template that you can find on the internet. Ultimately, if a business has a well-crafted virtual assistant job description that lays out the essential duties of a remote assistant, along with those soft skills, their odds are better.

Digital Marketing Strategist with background in Information Technology, Project Management, and Business Process Outsourcing. An expert in content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and dependent on Virtual Assistants to survive.

As the founder of VA Staffer, he has built a company with over 150+ virtual assistants, specializing in executive assistants and remote teams. Jeff's a master at leveraging AI and human capital to build things fast (and smart). He's a contributor to top business publications such as Entrepreneur and Forbes, and he has been featured on major news networks including ABC and CBS.

Jeff J Hunter

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