How Our Virtual Assistants Can Help You Create Landing Pages That Actually Convert 

April 7, 2017

By  Jeff J Hunter

While checking out your website analytics one day, you realize something: Your new website has brought in a ton of visitors over the past month, but none of them are staying on your site — or buying what you have to offer!

For business owners, this can be incredibly frustrating. You’ve invested time and money hiring a website design firm. Also, you’ve ensured that people would be able to find you on Google through your site’s SEO … However, now you can’t seem to get people to take out their credit card and actually take the next step.

That’s where our Virtual Assistant Staffer can help. When it comes to lead generation, our SEO virtual assistants can help you create an inbound marketing strategy to get people to your website. Additionally, you’ll receive help with offer incentives, and create a clear call to action on your landing pages. In so doing, that will help generate and convert more website visitors into customers.


How our VA Staffers Can Help YOU


By creating a strategic inbound marketing strategy to get people to your website

Content creation and marketing has never been easier with the help of the Internet. It’s also never been harder. The explosion of the Web has added a lot of noise to the background that makes it more difficult for your business or brand to be found online unless you already rank high in search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Our VAs can do research to locate keywords and phrases that people are typing into Google to find businesses like yours. That way we can help you understand what exactly your customers are searching for. That’s our goal: For your website to be the answer to the user’s Google query.

Of all the methods you can use to gain search engine traffic, the best one is to be the solution that people are already looking for.  


By creating an offer/incentive to download on your landing pages

Once people are actually on your page, you need to have a way to capture their information to convert visitors into leads. A great way to do this is by offering something of value for download. It could be a whitepaper on the benefits of Instagram marketing or an e-book on the basics of Search Engine Optimization.

This method provides value in two ways: You are capturing the email of the person (and potential customer) downloading your information. Meanwhile, the viewer receives something of value in return for providing their contact information.

The more creative and beneficial download you create, the more you will be rewarded with emails and lead-capturing.


By creating a clear call to action

Your call to action is the immediate action that you desire your website viewers to take. “Watch this video.” “Shop now.” “Sign up now.” “Contact us today.” Whatever your call to action may be, it needs to ask people to take the next step in the sales conversion funnel.

Refrain from making multiple calls to action or having multiple landing pages with a different CTA. There should only be one thing for the customer to focus on; don’t distract them with tons of other requests. Always make it as easy and compelling as possible for the customer.


By creating social proof

As humans are incredibly social beings, we place greater value on things that other people have already approved or validated.

That means if you want your business to become more successful, you need to “show off” the success you’ve already had. Ask some of your best clients for video or written testimonials talking about the great return on investment you’ve been able to provide for them. Keep an update page of all press mentions and publications that have featured your company.

Even if you are just starting out, a few strong quotes from associates or clients can prove that your company really is providing for the “social good.”
Contact our team of virtual assistants today and see how we can help YOU create landing pages that actually convert your views to customers!


Our team can save you a ton of time and energy that can be better spent elsewhere. 

You know that already, that’s why you’re here!

Digital Marketing Strategist with background in Information Technology, Project Management, and Business Process Outsourcing. An expert in content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and dependent on Virtual Assistants to survive.

As the founder of VA Staffer, he has built a company with over 150+ virtual assistants, specializing in executive assistants and remote teams. Jeff's a master at leveraging AI and human capital to build things fast (and smart). He's a contributor to top business publications such as Entrepreneur and Forbes, and he has been featured on major news networks including ABC and CBS.

Jeff J Hunter

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