Change Your Email Game with an Email Marketing Virtual Assistant 

August 16, 2024

By  Jeff J Hunter

An email marketing virtual assistant can boost your bottom line.

Running a business is tough. There are a million moving parts, and there’s never enough time. As an entrepreneur, it often feels like you have to do it all, especially early on when money is tight. 

However, you need to scale to grow your business using an effective email marketing strategy. This is where an email marketing virtual assistant comes in. They can help manage your email marketing, freeing you to tackle more critical projects.

Finding the right email marketing virtual assistant can feel as overwhelming as doing it all yourself. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Table Of Contents:

What is an Email Marketing Virtual Assistant?

An email marketing virtual assistant is a skilled professional who specializes in managing and executing email marketing campaigns remotely. They handle all email marketing tasks from crafting compelling content and segmenting email lists to scheduling automated emails and analyzing campaign performance. You’ll also be able to enhance your marketing strategy and improve work quality without the added stress.

Why Hire an Email Marketing Virtual Assistant?

With the rise of digital marketing, email marketing has emerged as a critical strategy for businesses across industries. Although you might be tempted to tackle email campaigns independently, the truth is it’s a specialized skill set that requires marketing experience. Plus, as a business owner, you probably don’t have the time, right?

You will get far more benefits from email marketing services since it focuses on email marketing every day. This is particularly true since 41.5% of brands say that email marketing is very critical to business success. Just think – that means that nearly 60% of companies aren’t taking advantage of this game-changing strategy.

What would your life be like if you doubled down on what’s working with a skilled professional helping you?

Unlock Explosive Growth

Outsourcing email marketing can help your business grow explosively by improving open rates and lead generation. Why? The right email marketing virtual assistant will also help boost sales and strengthen customer relationships through targeted messaging.

Don’t forget that personalized emails drive stronger results. An email marketing virtual assistant will help ensure each subscriber gets the information they most want to receive.

Time Management

Hiring an email marketing virtual assistant makes you better at time management so you can focus on high-level tasks that require your expertise, such as product development or fine-tuning brand strategy. Think of all those projects you’ve had to push to the side to manage day-to-day operations – you’ll have the space and bandwidth to tackle them.

Cost Savings

Email marketing virtual assistants work remotely, so you don’t need to worry about office space.

And if you’re going to hire a VA from VA Staffer, you always get the most from your investment because our VAs not only provide top-notch skills, but their work ethics are superb.

Email Marketing Virtual Assistant Responsibilities

So, what exactly will an email marketing virtual assistant do? A lot.

They’re responsible for strategizing, implementing, and analyzing email marketing campaigns to boost your brand and improve profits. Some typical duties include:

1. Email List Building & Management

An expert email marketing virtual assistant will make sure your email database is healthy, targeted, and GDPR compliant. They’ll implement tactics for capturing leads such as:

  • Signup forms on your website.
  • Landing pages.
  • Offering juicy lead magnets your prospects can’t refuse.
  • Customer support or email replies.

Ever notice how your favorite influencer, business coach, or podcaster almost always has a tempting lead magnet that encourages you to hand over your email address? A well-crafted lead magnet that solves a specific pain point for your target audience is invaluable.

An email marketing virtual assistant knows this. They will help you segment those subscribers based on interests, demographics, or purchasing behavior to ensure each receives relevant, engaging content tailored just for them. Segmentation makes it easier to deliver targeted automated email sequences to nudge them further down the funnel toward making a purchase.

2. Email Content Creation

All marketing experts would tell you the value of email. Your email marketing virtual assistant will write captivating, engaging copy that aligns with your brand identity and resonates with your specific audience. Think about some of the emails you enjoy receiving; what about them appeals to you?

They might write welcome sequences that encourage subscribers to stick around, newsletters packed with useful tips and advice, or irresistible promotional offers. An experienced email marketing virtual assistant will understand what elements make the biggest difference. A dash of personality, impactful storytelling, and clear calls to action can all make a difference.

Oh, and it’s important to make sure you’re sending emails at a time when your subscribers are checking their inboxes. Nobody wants to wind up in the dreaded Promotions Tab where emails languish unread.

3. Email Marketing Automation & Workflow Design

Automated emails and intelligent email marketing automation take your marketing efforts to the next level. They nurture leads, deliver valuable information to prospects, and improve conversions without requiring constant monitoring.

Your virtual assistant can set up an automated email series to nurture your audience while tracking their actions with various tags. They may also be able to assist with social media, although that is a separate service that you would need to discuss with your virtual assistant.

They can also do customer service-related tasks like responding to emails.

4. Analytics Tracking & Reporting

Remember: what gets measured, gets managed. A great email marketing virtual assistant dives deep into your data. They understand critical metrics such as:

  • Open and click-through rates.
  • Bounce rates.
  • Conversion rates.

They will use those metrics to optimize future campaigns for a higher ROI and increased subscriber satisfaction. An effective email marketing virtual assistant will help ensure your email marketing efforts translate into higher profits.

How to Choose the Right Email Marketing Virtual Assistant for Your Business

Choosing the right email marketing virtual assistant for your business is an important decision. They are representing your business, after all. Here’s what to look for to help increase your chances of a match made in business heaven.

1. Experience Level and Skills

Look for virtual assistants with experience in your specific industry, especially if you’re in a niche market, like real estate. Consider their areas of expertise, technical knowledge, and their preferred platforms and tools.

If you’re just starting to build an email list, email marketing platforms like Mailchimp, which is free to use for up to 2,000 subscribers, and Constant Contact are solid choices. They are both easy to learn. As your email list grows, you’ll likely want to explore additional email marketing automation software that can integrate with the rest of your business tools.

2. Communication Skills & Work Style

Your new assistant should possess excellent communication skills and have a collaborative work style so that working together is fun. When thinking about communication, be clear about your expectations upfront. What communication tools do you prefer?

How often do you want to be updated? Define clear expectations and any reporting requirements in advance so there’s no room for misinterpretation.

Offering a trial period to a potential email marketing virtual assistant can often make a big difference in figuring out potential pain points or logistical challenges early on.

3. Portfolio & Client Testimonials

This should give you valuable insight into the quality of their work and professionalism and will help determine if they’d be a good fit. Ask if they have any experience working with remote teams.

However, here at VA Staffer, we do things differently here. We don’t hire freelancers and we don’t care about portfolios because we train them from the ground up. This way, you’re assured of the quality of service they provide.

Contact us and get to know more about our process.

4. Pricing & Contracts

Be sure to have a crystal-clear understanding of pricing structures and payment terms.

Virtual assistants can charge hourly or fixed monthly rates.

FAQs about Email Marketing Virtual Assistants

What does an email marketing virtual assistant charge?

Hourly rates or project rates for email marketing virtual assistants will depend on experience levels and any specialized knowledge they possess. However, think of it as an investment – a highly skilled, in-demand email marketing virtual assistant who understands how to turn those subscribers into raving fans is worth their weight in gold. They will also have a strong marketing background.

What are some tools an email marketing virtual assistant might use?

Although many will have their preferred tools, tech stack, apps, project management software, and other resources, your virtual assistant should be able to easily adapt to your preferences. This will help make managing your marketing super streamlined.

Your assistant will already be familiar with various email marketing platforms, but if you have one you love, make sure to share it in advance.


Delegating your email marketing workload to a capable email marketing virtual assistant can be a game-changer. Especially once you understand how vital an optimized, high-converting email marketing campaign is to your business’ success.

Digital Marketing Strategist with background in Information Technology, Project Management, and Business Process Outsourcing. An expert in content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and dependent on Virtual Assistants to survive.

As the founder of VA Staffer, he has built a company with over 150+ virtual assistants, specializing in executive assistants and remote teams. Jeff's a master at leveraging AI and human capital to build things fast (and smart). He's a contributor to top business publications such as Entrepreneur and Forbes, and he has been featured on major news networks including ABC and CBS.

Jeff J Hunter

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