Kanban Tool Interview: Virtual Assistant Management 

May 31, 2014

By  Jeff J Hunter

Virtual Assistant Tools: Kanban Tool

Virtual Assistant Management can be a challenge for Entrepreneurs. Keeping your VAs on task, and monitoring progress can be tedious if you don’t have the right virtual assistant tools. Today we are fortunate to have with us Simon Majdak from the Kanban Tool Team to answer some of our questions on how someone could take advantage of Kanban Tool to keep your Virtual Assistant on Task!

Check out the Top 10 Virtual Assistant Tools

What is Kanban Tool?

Kanban Tool is a web-based, visual process management solution that helps virtual teams to visualize workflow, and work more efficiently. Additionally Kanban Tool allows you to analyze and improve your business processes with the Kanban method.

How to Use Kanban Tool

Kanban Tool has a free version that supports two members of a virtual team (from a VA Staffer perspective it looks like a the most robust & free way to manage a single virtual assistant!).  Once you create an account you can log in and create a task right away, take a look what we made.

Guest Interview:

Simon Majdak

Kanban Tool Support

Project Management Shore Labs.

Kanban Tool Interview with Simon Majdak

First Question: How can a business owner benefit from using Kanban Tool to manage a virtual assistant, or team of them for that matter?

Kanban Tool is a visual project management platform that allows for team and workflow management. It is a perfect platform to manage your Virtual Assistants as it gives you a full clarity over the progress. Kanban Tool’s interface is so intuitive that it will leave you in awe how easy it is to distribute work for your virtual assistants. As a business owner you will be able to easily add new tasks, communicate with virtual assistants, attach files (also from popular cloud storages) and monitor workflow progress. Having everything in one place will save a lot of time for any business owner who knows how valuable his time is. Distribute, communicate, overview and obtain results faster!

2) What are some stand-out features that really make Kanban stand out from other project management collaboration tools out there?

First most, Kanban Tool offers really intuitive visual environment that is really easy to read through at a glance. You will be able to prioritize and distribute tasks easily and communicate with your virtual assistants. You can tailor your card templates to include the information you really want to see and use popular cloud storages like Google Drive, Dropbox, Box or OneDrive to attach your files from. Furthermore, metrics like Cumulative Flow Diagram will let you see how fast is the progress on work assigned moving forward.

3) What was the intent of the tool when it was created, does it make sense to use it with a small team vs big team?

The intent of Kanban Tool was to create an user friendly experience in terms of collaboration and management of workflow. We have carefully picked just the right amount of features that bring the most value and are crucial for any successful team. The beauty of Kanban Tool is that it fits any team size from freelancers, small businesses up to enterprises.

4) Cloud Based vs Self-Hosted options, I notice you have a self-hosted, how does pricing work on that?

Our Self-Hosted solution is aimed towards businesses who are concerned about sending sensitive data to the cloud. The pricing is available upon contacting our sales team. Kanban Tool On-Site solution is available for a minimum of 10 users and requires a 1 year commitment.

5) What’s a good tip you could give the rest of the world about managing a virtual assistant or virtual team that could benefit Entrepreneurs and society as a whole?

Communicate and stay on top of assigned work. Work distribution is only the first step to successfully managing your virtual team. Our vision and needs may change over time thus overviewing work progress is crucial. Actively guide your team in the right direction so they won’t have to re-do the work and ultimately waste your own time and resources.

Thank you so much Simon for your time, and sharing  ideas how to use Kanban tool to manage Virtual Assistants.

If you have any questions, please comment below and we would love to discuss with you!


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Digital Marketing Strategist with background in Information Technology, Project Management, and Business Process Outsourcing. An expert in content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and dependent on Virtual Assistants to survive.

As the founder of VA Staffer, he has built a company with over 150+ virtual assistants, specializing in executive assistants and remote teams. Jeff's a master at leveraging AI and human capital to build things fast (and smart). He's a contributor to top business publications such as Entrepreneur and Forbes, and he has been featured on major news networks including ABC and CBS.

Jeff J Hunter

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