Best Virtual Assistant 

February 24, 2015

By  Jeff J Hunter

Best Virtual Assistant

I’ve had a lot of potential clients ask “Why we are the best virtual assistant service.” What really makes our virtual assistant services unique is our team. I’m confident that my virtual assistant team is comprised of some of the most dedicated people on this Earth who genuinely love to serve our clients. Education is a big factor of that, but you know – it’s not unique for a Filipino to have a college degree (or two) – what is unique is the ability to problem solve and come up with solutions. There’s a reason I’ve invested so much into having a Penthouse Suite in the Heart of Manila, we could have done like the other firms and maintain our “home based virtual assistants” but there’s a team comradery, as well as a mentality, that comes with going to work every day and developing relationships with the team.

Best Virtual Assistant Companies to Work For

That is the key – Our team knows that we strive to be the best virtual assistant company to work for. I truly believe that a big part of developing long-lasting relationships with our clients starts with long lasting relationships within our staffers. Our new office gives us the missing piece to that puzzle of talent acquisition that delivers both reliability and accountability to our clients with stable internet, power, and in a flood free zone (as flood free as you can get living in the middle of an ocean of course).

Why We’re The Best Virtual Assistant Team:

  • Location, Location, Location –Makati is cool, and on top of that, an entire penthouse floor located walking distance from City Hall, in a bustling and booming developing economy with the brightest talent. Sure, we could have got a spot in the provinces, or outskirts where property is a whole lot cheaper in the Philippines, but I really want the standards to be of a different caliber.

Figure 1: Rhodora on the Terrace of our Makati Office

  • Customized Virtual Assistant Training – If you want someone to love coming to work, you let them to do what they love the majority of the time. Talk to anyone who’s had a dedicated Virtual Assistant, and you’ll quickly learn that they have a limited skill set, and the time investment in further training can be consuming. We hire our team based on their unique skill-sets and we have unique training based on their interests that allow them to truly enjoy what they’re doing every day. How many people really have that opportunity in life?

Figure 2: J Hunter trains new virtual office staffers

  • Virtual Assistant Positions – As much effort as we put into marketing to the right client audience, we put just as much effort into attracting the right staffers for our virtual assistant positions open. From WordPress developer, Social Media Manager, to even our online research virtual assistants, it really does require a specific skillset and attitude to do these types of virtual assistant jobs.

Figure 3: Kharla, one of our Customer Service Representative Staffers

  • Taking Care of Our Team – This one is completely self-explanatory, I run this ship very transparent. I hate to use the word “Cheap” but I know that we have some of the cheapest virtual assistants out there. It’s our profit margin, it is low – but that is because we offer additional marketing services that are powered by our affordable virtual assistants. I believe that the small business who is struggling doesn’t have 20-30 thousand dollars laying around that a typical marketing campaign would cost at a typical US Based Inbound Marketing Agency. This is the best of both worlds, we have Digital Marketing Strategists powered by the best virtual assistant service out there.

Figure 4: Virtual Assistant Team

  • Flexibility and Scalability – We are constantly evolving our team based on our client’s needs, because of the demand we’ve been able to grow our team in specific areas commonly searched. Our team loves learning new things, and we focus on cross training the staffers so they can grow their knowledge. Very handy when collaborating with multiple virtual assistants on tasks.

Figure 5: The Virtual Assistant Team collaborating on a project in the Makati Office

  • Team Analytics, Analytics, Analytics – I’m a geeky numbers guy, I am bonkers about the traffic flow on the site, campaign goals, and conversion goals. I also keep a close eye on the search data out there, and I see the demand shift and I see what Job-Seekers are looking for, and I use it to pick the ripe fruit off the tree. Targeting our content to the right audience of virtual assistants that have 3-4 years’ experience, college degree(s) and great English skills are hard to find – reason being, they are valuable, and they know it!! We’ve been fortunate to snag this awesome team.
  • Virtual Assistant Reviews – We actually care about what our clients say about us, and we genuinely want each and every one of them to be successful. It’s to all of our advantage they keep growing and need more help! Check out this virtual assistant review of VA Staffer.

I could list so much more about our investment to become one of the best virtual assistant companies to work for and how it plays into our strategy to become the best virtual assistant service, but I’ll just end with a huge thank you for our clients – some who’ve been with since the early days. They have always believed in us, and considering we’re 100% word of mouth and inbound conversion marketing, it says a lot to go from basically nothing to over 30 clients keeping us busy since December 2013.

2015 Virtual Assistant Staffer Game Plan

It’s time to up the game, we’ve grown so much from all the projects over the past two years. This year will be more marketing, more planning, and most of all, more team members. It was a rude awakening to see our site grow to over 300 new visitors a day, and new client submissions a day. I remember before we started practicing what we preach we’d have 100 visitors a week and would be lucky to get a contact form filled out a week, let alone multiple every day. Expect an awesomely dynamic team, full of promise and growth.

I have a good feeling for 2015, and I’m ready to make the investment to give you the best virtual assistant team possible.


Our team can save you a ton of time and energy that can be better spent elsewhere. 

You know that already, that’s why you’re here!

Digital Marketing Strategist with background in Information Technology, Project Management, and Business Process Outsourcing. An expert in content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and dependent on Virtual Assistants to survive.

As the founder of VA Staffer, he has built a company with over 150+ virtual assistants, specializing in executive assistants and remote teams. Jeff's a master at leveraging AI and human capital to build things fast (and smart). He's a contributor to top business publications such as Entrepreneur and Forbes, and he has been featured on major news networks including ABC and CBS.

Jeff J Hunter

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