Keyword Mapping To Form Relationships 

May 6, 2015

By  Jeff J Hunter

Keyword mapping is the most important part of strategic content. This is the core of your keyword battle plans. This is the opportunity to create bridges between the various keywords. It is not good enough to just random keywords into articles for linking – the content needs to flow and make sense. The added benefit to this method is perfecting SEO URLs!

The Hardest Part Is Here

This is is going to take a ton of work. What you are going to do is take each keyword and write down the connection to another keyword. Taking the example from Linking Phrases To Create Outline, we are going to extend this out further.

Captain 2 – offshore outsourcing (examples of outsourcing; outsourcing sales; fair collections and outsourcing)
Soldier 2.1 – offshoring vs outsourcing (outsourcing definition; outsourcing payroll; capital outsourcing)
Soldier 2.2 – outsourcing companies (reason for outsourcing; outsourcing marketing; examples of outsourcing companies)
Soldier 2.3 – advantages of outsourcing (what is business process outsourcing; outsourcing logistics; benefits of outsourcing)
Soldier 2.4 – effects of outsourcing (insourcing vs outsourcing; outsourcing employees; outsourcing management)

Mind you, this is only a small portion that you are going to be shown here. These tasks need to be done for every Captain, Soldier, and Squad in order to get the full amount of power behind your content strategy. Do not skimp on this part!!!

Front And Center Captain

The Captains form the head of the Squad of Soldiers, and they are underneath the General. So, the first thing to do it plan out the bridge between the General and the Captain.

So, what does “outsourcing it” have to do with “offshore outsourcing”? There are many companies that outsource their industrial technology needs to offshore companies that are located in India, Pakistan, and the Philippians.

For convenience of material, it will be written out like this for the rest of this text:

outsourcing it: offshore outsourcing – There are many companies that outsource their industrial technology needs to offshore companies that are located in India, Pakistan, and the Philippians.

That sentence above should be included as part of the text that goes into the text for the General when you create your content. In actuality, there would be 4 of these sentences relating the General to each of his/her Captains.

Soldier To Soldier Connections

Doing the same thing for each of the soldiers is the next step. We are going to be merging the primary keywords with the secondary keyword in order to make sense of the information. Remember to write down the connection between the two keywords which will be a part of the article.

This is what is looks like written out:

offshore outsourcing: examples of outsourcing – Examples of outsourcing includes: virtual assistants, subcontractors, and temporary agencies; these can be both onshore and offshore outsourcing.

offshore outsourcing: outsourcing sales – Many companies are taking advantage of offshore outsourcing by cutting their labor cost by outsourcing sales tasks.

offshore outsourcing: fair collections and outsourcing – When trying to get payment arrangements made with international currency, ‘fair collections and outsourcing’ laws are a big concern for companies that participate in offshore outsourcing.

offshoring vs outsourcing: outsourcing definition – As with offshoring vs outsourcing, there is a lot to learn about these subjects; you may need the full outsourcing definition.

offshoring vs outsourcing: outsourcing payroll – Another battle found between offshoring vs outsourcing is whether it is more profitable to offshore payroll or go with just outsourcing payroll within your country.

offshoring vs outsourcing: capital outsourcing – When dealing with offshoring vs outsourcing, the international laws regarding he exchange of money makes capital outsourcing a huge advantage over the companies that cannot do this practice.

outsourcing companies: reason for outsourcing – The main reason for outsourcing, (according to the leading outsourcing companies), is efficiency.

outsourcing companies: outsourcing marketing – Outsourcing marketing tasks to virtual assistants and other outsourcing companies bring back a higher return on investment when comparing current-to-currency values. It is no secret that a US Dollar goes a long way in other countries.

outsourcing companies: examples of outsourcing companies – There are many outsourcing companies; some of the biggest examples of outsourcing companies are WalMart, the US Military, and Trader Joe’s.

advantages of outsourcing: what is business process outsourcing – What is business process outsourcing? This is a system of action that takes the advantages of outsourcing to make business functions more efficient.

advantages of outsourcing: outsourcing logistics – Another advantages of outsourcing is that outsourcing logistics have been made much easier with the Internet and project management systems.

advantages of outsourcing: benefits of outsourcing – The advantages of outsourcing is efficiency, lower labor costs, and higher morale. Added to that, the benefits of outsourcing are more freedom to take on other projects, more money to invest into the company, and less overall stress.

effects of outsourcing: insourcing vs outsourcing – When deciding upon insourcing vs outsourcing important employee tasks, management must take into consideration the human resources headaches of insourcing in contrast to the effects of outsourcing.

effects of outsourcing: outsourcing employees – The effects of outsourcing includes reducing payroll by outsourcing employees which frees up more capital to invest in research and development projects.

effects of outsourcing: outsourcing management – One of the secret effects of outsourcing comes with outsourcing management tasks. It is must cheaper to hire a virtual assistant to act as a middle manager than it is to take up management’s time with these same tasks. It is all about efficiency!

As you can see, this was a lot of work. The work pays off as it provides a framework for the content to be constructed around. This is a vital step for organizing content for your articles at a later step.

Captain And Soldier Connections

In dire emergencies, soldiers are trained to pass goods over large territories. When the team is small, they pass an item to the next team member in line.

Our small squad actually forms a circle. Each link is going to be passed down from the Captain to the next Soldier, to the next Soldiers, and then the link will return to the Captain.

Just as before, there needs to be a reasonable connection between each of these steps. So, write them down as before.

offshore outsourcing: offshoring vs outsourcing – Offshoring vs outsourcing becomes more interesting when working with offshore outsourcing; you’ll need a middle manager that is fluent in both languages and customs to make the tasks work. The payoff for a team of virtual assistants that communicate well is huge for companies looking for that advantage.

offshoring vs outsourcing: outsourcing companies – Outsourcing business functions started as a trend for huge corporations to take advantage of offshoring vs outsourcing tax incentives. The benefit to small companies is that these outsourcing companies have the systems in place to allow for a small company to compete with a large corporation.

outsourcing companies: advantages of outsourcing – The advantages of outsourcing includes the ability for business owners to get a bigger return on investment when partnering with virtual assistants and other outsourcing companies.

advantages of outsourcing: effects of outsourcing – The effects of outsourcing becomes a force multiplier when taking in the full advantages of outsourcing.

effects of outsourcing: offshore outsourcing – Offshore outsourcing companies have seen the effect of outsourcing change the nature of worldwide business. The economies that take advantage of foreign employment are forever changes by that connection.

After all of this, there is one more task to do:

For each General, Captain, and Soldier, you need to copy down an external link from an authoritative source. For example, if you put “outsourcing it wiki” into Google, you will get to this page: Make sure to add the title of this as a keyword. In this case, “information technology outsourcing”. This will be your outgoing link.

One last important thing: You need a call to action that has the reader click on a link to go where you want them to.

For each article you create, you should have these 6 links:

  • a link to the Captain of each Squad
  • an outside link to an authoritative source
  • two links to secondary keywords
  • a link for the call to action
  • a link to the next Soldier in the Squad

Got all of that? Okay! Make sure to take breaks between each squad that you work on.

Best Keyword Strategy To Date

When a soldier first enters the military, they go through basic training. Basic training is an organized system to teach soldiers the basics of keeping themselves and their team ‘ready to roll’ at any moment of any day. When overwhelmed, the team should practice the principles of delegation to work smarter – not harder.

At some point in the past, this system was not organized. That means that people, like us, spent the time to look a the material that needed to be taught and came up with a plan to teach it all within a short time frame.

The same thing goes for all of his keyword mapping. This is the basis for creating strategic content for your website (and more). This kind of task can be delegated to virtual assistants as it will take many hours to work through all of the keyword phrases and combinations.

How would you describe keyword mapping to your staff? Please comment below.


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Digital Marketing Strategist with background in Information Technology, Project Management, and Business Process Outsourcing. An expert in content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and dependent on Virtual Assistants to survive.

As the founder of VA Staffer, he has built a company with over 150+ virtual assistants, specializing in executive assistants and remote teams. Jeff's a master at leveraging AI and human capital to build things fast (and smart). He's a contributor to top business publications such as Entrepreneur and Forbes, and he has been featured on major news networks including ABC and CBS.

Jeff J Hunter

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