Mistakes Business Owners Make When Hiring A VA 

November 25, 2022

By  Joy

A Virtual Assistant is your secret weapon to growing your business.

Most people think a VA is an expense. I disagree. Hiring a VA is an investment because you’re not only saving time, you’re making more money when you hire the right one for the right reasons.

But finding a good VA is hard. How do you even choose one among the sea of choices out there? And among the VA agencies out there, whom do you trust?

Mistakes Business Owners Make When Hiring A VA

Here are some common mistakes that business owners make when hiring someone to help out remotely:

1. Hiring a VA without a clear job description

Before hiring anyone, you must know precisely what you want them to do for you. The clearer and more specific your job description are, the better your virtual assistant will be able to perform the tasks you want them to do for you.

The biggest mistake you can make is hiring someone thinking you will save a lot of time. Only to end up wondering what a mess you made because you don’t know what tasks to assign to your VA. Why? Because you don’t know what you need.

Make sure to sit down and assess your business. Where do you want to go and how will a VA help you get there?

2. Not understanding the value of a virtual assistant

Make sure you have a clear idea of how hiring a VA can have a great impact on your company. If you don’t, you become of those business owners who will say, “Even my niece can do this job.”

Honestly, this type of mindset is a complete turn-off. If you think a virtual assistant’s job is child play, then you don’t know the value a VA can bring to your table. 

You don’t hire a VA so you can save a couple of hours here and there. A virtual assistant is an investment. Make sure you know the value of this investment 

3. Asking for referrals from everyone

This is a common mistake. 

You need a VA so you post on Facebook that you need one. Or, ask your friend for a recommendation.

While these are valid steps, sometimes your well-meaning friends don’t know what you actually need. You need to talk with an expert in this industry so they can access your situation and recommend someone that fits your needs.

4. Hiring a VA from VA agencies that hire VAs

So how is this a mistake?

VA agencies who hire Virtual Assistants around the web have not trained or vetted their VAs. These VAs also would most likely work with more than just one client. So if they take you on, that means you’re one of their VA clients. That means you don’t have their full attention.

Instead, go to a company that hired professionals, vetted them, and will assign you a VA who will work only for you. Yes, only you. Your business is their only focus. That means you have their full attention. They will treat your business as if it’s their own.

Your Next Step

Finding a good and professional VA who will stick with you is very hard to find. But with due diligence and the right people to help you, you will find someone who will be your partner. Because a Virtual Assistant isn’t just an assistant. In reality, they are your business partner.

So how do you find a good VA?

First off, you need help from a reputable virtual assistance agency.

What Is A Virtual Assistant Agency?

A Virtual Assistant agency is a company that trains and hires VA for you. They thoroughly check the candidates’ resumes and skills. They even provide extensive training to give their clients a satisfactory experience.

Agencies know that they must prove themselves to their clients; thus, they do their best to match them with the most competent workers. As a result of a rigorous screening process, clients have access to only the best workers without spending too much time and money on training.

Why Should You Hire A Virtual Assistant From An Outsourcing Company?

VA agencies recruit, screen, and provide training for potential VAs so that they offer a team of professionals to business owners. They ensure that they hire only the best and give them the training they need to succeed. 

Hiring a virtual assistant agency is a great way to save time, money, and effort when recruiting for any business.

Over To You

Here at Virtual Staffer, we make sure you’re hiring the right VA for your business. Book a call with us today.

Joy is a copywriter and virtual assistant in the Philippines. She's in charge of the blog content at VA Staffer, this is the type of copywriting you can expect from our incredible team.

As the founder of VA Staffer, he has built a company with over 150+ virtual assistants, specializing in executive assistants and remote teams. Jeff's a master at leveraging AI and human capital to build things fast (and smart). He's a contributor to top business publications such as Entrepreneur and Forbes, and he has been featured on major news networks including ABC and CBS.


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