Ways to Make Your Direct-Response Copywriting a Success 

September 24, 2018

By  Jeff J Hunter

The key to successfully marketing a  product or service is based on the message that lies within it.

I am not just talking about copywriting, but specifically direct response copywriting. Direct response copywriting has the ability to get you customer to take immediate action after they absorb the copy.

In other words, they are so infatuated with your work they are intrigued to go and buy your product or service directly after reading the copy. It could make your customer buy your service or product as soon as he finishes reading.


What exactly is direct response copywriting?

Direct response copywriting is a method where the objective is to get an immediate effect on the reader. Your customer should directly be able to understand you and your product or service through the means of copy. . No fuss, no frills.

In short, direct response copywriting compels conversion.

Direct response copywriting has been around even before the Internet was born. Our parents have read different advertising pieces in newspapers and magazines that have looked like this.

David Ogilvy, Claude Hopkins, Leo Burnett, and Robert Collier, among others, were the direct response copywriting gurus. . We continue to follow the paths they have paved for us until now.


With the technological advancements in our society, thousands of content and information nowadays, direct response copywriting is vital for progression.

However, could a business owner like you make direct response copywriting work? With these critical points to keep in mind, the answer is yes.


Here are ways to make your direct response copywriting a success:

1. You’re talking to one person.

“Do not…address your readers as though they were gathered together in a stadium. When people read your copy, they are alone. Pretend you are writing to each of them a letter on behalf of your client.” – David Ogilvy

David Ogilvy said it best. Sure, your product or service could help hundreds or thousands of people. However, you need to target one person. This will persuade, intrigue, and make them eager to know more about your topic. .

That is why is it important to get to know your buyer or customer avatar. Who are they? Where do they live? What do they do?

I suggest going even go beyond profiling and do more in-depth research: What are your customer’s goals and ambitions? What are your buyer’s apprehensions toward a product or service similar to yours?

As a copywriter, how can we make our product a service something our customer needs not just wants?

This may all take time, but time that will translate over into success. What you gather from researching your customer avatar will  assist you in writing your direct response copy as you will be more familiar with who your target audience is.

Remember: Direct response copywriting focuses on the customer.


2. Headlines should call your customer’s attention.

“Hey! How’s it going?”

I’m sure you’ve heard this saying from time to time. ? Perhaps at your local store?

How come you didn’t hear your name , yet every time, we turn around?

That’s the power of asking for attention. In direct response copywriting, call to action  is crucial. This is done through headlines.

A headline is a big deal. Neil Patel says, “a catchy headline is your entry into your reader and potential customer’s world–and that’s a very busy space they occupy.”

Your headline could make or break your direct response copywriting piece. So make sure it gets your reader’s attention. Inspire their curiosity, and spark their interest.

Remember: Create value-defined and customer-focused headlines.


3. Embrace long-form writing.

“The person who says ‘I would never read all that copy’ makes a mistake of thinking they are the customer. And they’re not.” – Dan Kennedy

Most of the time, direct response copywriting is in long-form.


That is because you need to provide valuable information to your customer to help them better understand you and your product or service. Your direct-response copywriting piece should present essential details that will  convince the customer to buy your product or service.

Some details are:

  • Social proof like testimonials and people who have tried your product or service
  • The benefits of your product or service
  • Scarcity, such as providing deadlines

Long-form copy should answer these questions:

  • How can I trust your product/service to be as good as you say?
  • Why should I buy this from you?

Remember: Make your direct response copywriting in long form to provide your customer with enough information to buy from you while attaching value.


4. There is patience in testing.

Gary Vaynerchuk says “there is patience in the process.” It’s the same with direct response copywriting.

Headlines, sub-headlines, images, and the long-form content require testing.

Ogilvy says direct-response copywriting is easily testable. The fact that you can test variables in a controlled situation means you can work out what influences the buying decision much quicker (and usually much cheaper).

Remember: Testing is the holy grail of conversion. You better love the process.


5. Create a strong call-to-action.

In war movies, protagonists – kings, leaders, generals – always have their war speeches. At the end of their speech, they say any of these:


“To Freedom!”


Well, it makes sense for protagonists to tell their hundreds of men or soldiers to act after they have roused them into the battle.

It’s similar with direct response copywriting. After reading your piece, the reader must take immediate action.

These are just some examples of call-to-action:

Sign up.

Learn more.

Send a message.

Call us.


It is best not to ignore putting a call-to-action on your direct-response copywriting piece. If you forget this, and you may get nothing .

Remember: Call-to-actions are where conversions happen. Create a powerful call-to-action. Persuade your audience in such a way where they are hungry to read more and feel an inevitable urge to take action in buying your product or service.

Direct-response copywriting is a success with an immediate result. Use it for your product or service today.


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Digital Marketing Strategist with background in Information Technology, Project Management, and Business Process Outsourcing. An expert in content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and dependent on Virtual Assistants to survive.

As the founder of VA Staffer, he has built a company with over 150+ virtual assistants, specializing in executive assistants and remote teams. Jeff's a master at leveraging AI and human capital to build things fast (and smart). He's a contributor to top business publications such as Entrepreneur and Forbes, and he has been featured on major news networks including ABC and CBS.

Jeff J Hunter

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