Whiteboard Wednesday: How DREAMERS Become DOERS in 2017 S2E13 

December 16, 2016

By  Jeff J Hunter

How Dreamers Become Doers | Being an Entrepreneur 

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The Dreamers versus Doers

The topic for today is ‘How Dreamers become Doers.’ This is actually part of the Inc Magazine. It has been one of the best and rather impressive episodes so far. They went overboard a little bit on the statistics which is what we’re going to talk about, here. 

There are numerous people who have amazing dreams, really great ideas but they’re not doers. They’re not doing anything! How are you going to find out if it’s a great idea when you don’t work at it? This article right here ‘How Dreamers become Doers’ aim to provide an amazing write-up.

Included will be some really cool statistics. Such information imprints gravely because most entrepreneurs already know this information. Regardless, it’s really great to have validation for the things that one considers.

The Entrepreneurial Family Tree

The Family Tree is talking about entrepreneurial families. It comes as no surprise that many entrepreneurs had parents who were also entrepreneurs. Inc magazine’s poll says that “48 % of the entrepreneurs interviewed said that their parents were entrepreneurs.”  

Do you understand how valuable that is? This says much about what we instill in the next generation. That’s how important this is. Business is something that is passed down generationally and it’s proven that 48% are from the parents. Here’s an even crazier statistic, “30% say it’s from their grandparents.” So it’s even vital that you’re even passing that information down to your kid’s kids. So between the parents which you is 50% and the grandparents at 30% that’s just incredible. on! Don’t have any kids? Aunts, uncles, cousins, and siblings also have their slice of the cake. It’s really a family affair. It’s really impressive to see how entrepreneurship runs in the family.

So it’s even vital that you’re even passing that information down to your grandchildren. So between the parents’ influence which is about 50% and the grandparents at 30%, that’s just incredible. on! Don’t have any kids? Aunts, uncles, cousins, and siblings also have their slice of the cake. It’s really a family affair. It’s really impressive to see how entrepreneurship runs in the family.

Family Members as Role Models

An interview of 500 CEOs in Inc magazines 500 proved that most of them are second generation Entrepreneurs. Also, many of them cited other family members as their role models. That’s really important as it illustrates how Life works. We have to instill these dreams of entrepreneurship to the next generation. Consequently, we must also help to develop these dream so they may become the future Doers.


About the Doers 

This focus group conducted at their Inc 500 spoke about how you collect information about your products or services. It was intriguing to note from this group that “56 % of the company feedback they’re receiving is from Social Media.” That is freaking huge! If you’re not using Social Media for your company in today’s age, what are you doing? Read the statistics.

56 % of Inc’s 500 said that they’re getting most of the data about their customer service and their products feedback from Social Media. Wake up! If you’re not on social media and you don’t have a presence out there, you’re a ghost. Nobody even cares. When people are trying to find a product or service especially a service if you’re a coach or a service based business, people want to see if you’re the real deal. They want to see if you’re legit. They’re going to look you up online and they’re going to look at your social media accounts.


Social Media Benefits

If you’re not using Social Media for your company in today’s age, what are you doing? The statistics clearly state that you should. 56 % of Inc’s 500 said that they’re getting most of the data about their customer service and their products feedback from, Social Media. Wake up! If you’re not on social media and you don’t have a presence out there, you’re a ghost. Nobody even cares. When people are trying to find a product or service especially a service if you’re a coach or a service based business, people want to see if you’re the real deal. They want to see if you’re legit. They’re going to look you up online and they’re going to look at your social media accounts.

If you’re not on social media and you don’t have a presence out there, you’re a ghost. Nobody even cares. When people are trying to find a product or service especially a service if you’re a coach or a service based business, people want to see if you’re the real deal. They want to see if you’re legit. They’re going to look you up online and they’re going to look at your social media accounts.


My Personal Branding Experience on Social Media

You guys have been seeing I’ve been blowing up my own branding –  Jeff J Hunter. Why Jeff J Hunter now instead of just J? Guess what? I found out the hard way I couldn’t market or monopolize the letter ‘J’. Unfortunately Sesame Street has that one on block. I’ve had to resort back to put my first and my middle name together ‘Jeff J’. It’s a marketing decision. It’s purely a business decision. Sometimes we have to make hard ones. I’d rather just be ‘J’ but it’s impossible now because I can’t market it.

I’ve had to resort back to put my first and my middle name together ‘Jeff J’. It’s a marketing decision. It’s purely a business decision. Sometimes we have to make hard ones. I’d rather just be ‘J’ but it’s impossible now because I can’t market it.


Biggest Challenges of Entrepreneurs

It says that “45 % of the 500 Inc said that attracting and retaining talent was the biggest challenge that they face today.” It’s ahead of outside distractions and internal growth.  This is ridiculous.

Look at the stuff that companies are giving away trying to attract people.

  1. Health Care – they’re trying to get people free health care benefits.
  2. They’re trying to get people free food and other in-office amenities.


Discipline in Work from Home Jobs

Interestingly enough here’s something that I want to knock on your door about. This is something that every person should think about, especially when you’re looking to work from home. Or be an entrepreneur who works for himself/herself compared to people who have J-O-B’s.

There’s nothing wrong with the J-O-B. Money is Money. The reason that most people are working for themselves now, is the same reason why these Inc 500 companies are saying that their employees want. Most of their employees want to work from home. INC 500 CEOs are saying that 65 % almost 70 % of their employees would rather work from home.  

The problem is that from my experience the reason why I have not one (1) but now two (2) virtual assistant offices in the Philippines is because a lot of people say they want to work from home but the reality is they just want to be at home. They don’t want to work.

It takes a really different type of personality to be able to have a stay at home job. To work from home, you must have the discipline. A lot of people lack discipline. If you don’t believe that Americans don’t have a discipline problem, obesity is rampant. I’m fat, there it is. It’s because I lack the discipline. I have a gym membership.


My Own Lack of Discipline

I go sometimes but not enough. Even when I do go, my problem is I like to eat. I don’t have the discipline to monitor myself. When I did lose all my weight it was because I had like literally pre-designed meals for an entire four (4) months. I lost 70 pounds because I had everything planned out for me. I couldn’t splurge like I had in the past and I didn’t go out. That’s how it works.

I’m fat. There it is. It’s because I lack the discipline. I have a gym membership. I go sometimes but not enough. Even when I do go, my problem is, I like to eat. I don’t have the discipline to monitor myself. When I did lose all my weight it was because I had like literally pre-designed meals for an entire four (4) months. I lost 70 pounds because I had everything planned out for me. I couldn’t splurge like I had in the past and I didn’t go out. That’s how it works.

I lost 70 pounds because I had everything planned out for me. I couldn’t splurge like I had in the past and I didn’t go out. That’s how it works.


Marketing your business | Facebook Live 

Why people dream? And why people do? You can use the technologies released in the last couple days to do that. I’m transitioning now into the news that happened this week before I planned to use this magazine as part of my Whiteboard Wednesday. I want to tell you a little bit about LIVE. Video period hands down is the future.

Live video is one of the best mediums that you can use to market your business. It’s especially possible as Facebook live has released this app to their platform. Anytime you go live, people get notified thus creating a designated stream. If you go on Facebook now, you can actually see on your Facebook feed –  LIVE. Whoever is actually LIVE on your friend’s list gets pushed up to the top. Is that ridiculous? The recordings from people that were live are down below. That is huge. If you want to get seen, that’s how you do it.

If you go on Facebook now, you can actually see on your Facebook feed –  LIVE. Whoever is actually LIVE on your friend’s list gets pushed up to the top. Is that ridiculous? The recordings from people that were live are down below. That is huge. If you want to get seen, that’s how you do it.


The LIVE Functionality

I want to show you the spectrum of social that I’m personally using. Periscope just got purchased not too long ago by Twitter. Unfortunately, they moved awfully slow. I’m assuming because it was an acquisition. There were multiple teams and software integrations to get dialed in. It was probably a disadvantage.

Facebook on the other hand already started doing Facebook live functionality. So what they did was they hurried up and moved it over. They purchased Instagram.  Facebook live does a huge update on Facebook and then BAM! Yesterday, Instagram publishes their update and now Instagram has a live mode. Now you can log in and you could actually go live from Instagram. This is a twofer. We talked about dreaming now we’re going into social media live.


Social Media Marketing 

All these Social Media platforms are fighting for each other and they all want to promote the live content. You are getting free promotion on live content. If you go live, you are going to have more video views. Additionally, your content is going to get seen more than if you upload a recording.

That is a statistical fact repeatedly proven. Going live, provides you with more views. Twitter just today released their Live. Now when you hit the compose button, at the very bottom there you can see the live option. That’s in the Twitter App.

Don’t get mad guys if you don’t have the ability to LIVE on Instagram. Now here’s the thing, Instagram isn’t going to actually be able to record anything that you do. It doesn’t on LIVE. You do get popped up to the top of the Instagram feed for all your friends. So if you have a lot of connections on Instagram, you’re going to get to the top. People are going to see your story. So it depends on how big of a following you have.

Now Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Periscope, which is part of Twitter, are all doing LIVE.  Now Snap Chat just released ‘Snap Chat Goggles’ or ‘Snap Chat glasses’. They call them spectacles. I have a feeling they’re going to step it up and I think they’re going to be going LIVE. You’re going to have people walking around with glasses LIVE.

Seriously that’s just you know that’s what I’m saying. Today was about Dreamers and Doers. I would like to just applaud all of you for becoming a Doer. If you’re a Dreamer, that’s great. You’ve got to dream but you got to do! So start doing and God bless. 

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Digital Marketing Strategist with background in Information Technology, Project Management, and Business Process Outsourcing. An expert in content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and dependent on Virtual Assistants to survive.

As the founder of VA Staffer, he has built a company with over 150+ virtual assistants, specializing in executive assistants and remote teams. Jeff's a master at leveraging AI and human capital to build things fast (and smart). He's a contributor to top business publications such as Entrepreneur and Forbes, and he has been featured on major news networks including ABC and CBS.

Jeff J Hunter

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