Whiteboard Wednesday: What We SHOULD or SHOULD NOT Do as Entrepreneurs? S2E12 

December 2, 2016

By  Jeff J Hunter

What We SHOULD or SHOULD NOT DO as Entrepreneurs 

Watch the replay here:

Delegation Worksheet

Hate,Shouldn't Do,Struggle,Value
Social Posts,Expenses,Funnels,One-on-one coaching 
Emails,Graphics,Memberships,creating new products 
Sales calls,Landing Pages,Code/ CCS,Finishing that book

Getting started with Delegation | Using the delegation worksheet

Today we’re going to organize your life into ‘What you should do’ and ‘What you shouldn’t do using the delegation worksheet. The infamous Yoda quote says ‘DO or DO NOT? There is no try!’ The funny part is, you guys already know the answers. What we’re going to do is work through these together.

Not having a whiteboard is not an excuse to limit your participation. You can do anything with using almost anything. Open up Microsoft paint and do it. If you’re on your cell phone, send a text message to yourself. This is going to be a super simple exercise. It’s going to be driven by three (3) very strong emotions and one (1) very important thing that we all must cherish in our lives. We’re going to start out with one (#1).

Part 1 of the Exercise | The things you HATE doing 

Draw a Box. Fantastic! Write the word HATE in this box. It’s a very strong word, wouldn’t you say? Hate! Now, think about some things that you do in your business that you HATE to do. For example, do you hate social media, like I do?

The continuous posting is something I dread. You always have to keep content fresh. Waking up every day and deciding what kind of inspirational post I’m going to do for the day – it doesn’t float my boat. Therefore I’m going to put it here, that I ‘Hate’ having to do my own social posting.

Here are a few other things which may make it to your list:

  • creating email templates
  • sending out newsletters
  • making sales calls  

Part 2 of the Exercise | The things you SHOULDN’T DO

Draw another box. In this box, you’re going to put some things that you don’t like doing. There are probably things that are really critical to your business. Some of these things, I would say are critical to most people’s businesses. But what are some things that you know that you’re doing but you shouldn’t do?

Perhaps, like I do at times, you do your own accounting. However, you may not be great at it, paying attention to every minute detail. Those details which an astute accountant would know are necessary for consideration.

Some of these items listed below may help you decide what you shouldn’t be doing:

  • graphics for social media
  • landing pages
  • repurposing blogs for social media

Part 3 of the Exercise | Identifying your STRUGGLES  

Yet another loaded word is going to be inserted into this third box which you are going to draw. In this box, you’re going to put the word ‘STRUGGLE’. What are the things that you struggle with that take way too much of your time? The things which you’re not good at, although you may have an appreciation for it. 

A few things which you could be struggling with would be:

  • designing innovative landing pages
  • creating graphics
  • selecting content for social media posts
  • making funnels, setting them up and setting up membership access for sites
  • coding and anything that requires code or CSS.

The Last Leg of the Exercise | What brings VALUE to your business?

Liz Benny, one of VA Staffer’s clients, can attest to the value of this exercise. In this final box, write the word ‘VALUE’. Value is really important. These are the things that add qualitatively to your life.  What are the things that have the most value to your business?

Limit your scope on value to just your business. What activities add Value for your business? Is it the

  • one-on-one time with clients
  • development of a course or products
  • provision of services
  • finishing of that book that you haven’t done yet 

Analyzing the data in the Delegation Worksheet

Let’s analyze what you’ve effectively done here. What did you find when you start getting into the nitty-gritty of your business? It’s going to be very easy to fill up the ‘hate’, the ‘should not do’ and the ‘struggle’ columns of the delegation worksheet.

The should not do’s and the Hates, those are for days. The things you struggle with could be the things you’re good at. Some things you struggle with that could definitely be done easier, quicker,  more effectively. Every single item in my struggle column can be done by the VA Staffer team or somebody else who has more experience than me. It’s better to have them take care of it.

Some of the things in the ‘shouldn’t do’ column, you may actually enjoy doing. The fact is, if there is someone who could do it better and more efficiently than you, then maybe you shouldn’t do it. Then there’s the ‘hate’. That is very self-explanatory. If you hate this, then you shouldn’t be doing it. You are not going to be as efficient and effective as you should, it just doesn’t make any sense.

These are all the things that you need to worry about building to scale; building for actually scaling your business.  All you have to do is write down a list. How do you do that? By building out processes to make these look decent. How do you make them look decent? No one knows? However, begin by writing down a list.

Building to scale | Creating systems/ processes

You need to systematize this stuff. You know how simple it is? People always make excuses and they’re like, “I don’t know how to make a task list or instructions?” Look first off, forget processes and instructions. Think about recipes for success. For a recipe, you would need ingredients such as two (2) eggs and half (1/2) a cup of butter.

Apply this concept to your own business. You want to make it a perfect list of how things would work out. It’s simple to do actually, even for the busy entrepreneur. Simply recording yourself doing a task is a start. Then you can review the video to write down the steps involved. If you have a team, you can send the video to the team and they can turn it into steps for you. Simple.

Adding Value

The Value is all about the 10 percent. The consultations, creating products or going to events are the tasks which generate most revenue to your business. It could also be spending time with your family. Many successful clients are workaholics. Therefore their problem is finding more time for their family.

However, they don’t want to sacrifice the business. There’s that misconception that you have to you have to sacrifice your family time for your business. Consequently, the divorce rate is so high among entrepreneurs, especially female entrepreneurs. That puts a whole new element into it.

It is necessary, however, that you address the 90 percent of the busy things that keep you busy but aren’t creating the most value. After all, your activities should be geared at helping to grow and establish your business.

Sales calls might be something that you value. It doesn’t have to be on the ‘hate’ list or it could be a hate list that I value. You’ve got to think about it. Sometimes they’re just things in business that you got to do that you hate, it’s just the truth. Sale calls – if that’s part of your Business Model. BOOM! But, guess what? More than likely you can get people to do that for you too, put them on commission.

Jeff J Hunter – Initial Process Assessment

We work with clients on the Initial Process Assessment to really dive in to find out what are the big pain points? Where are the bottlenecks? How can we automate things? Think of it this way – automate everything you can because this is going to be the best bang for your buck.

If you Automate things, they can’t skip work or have a day off. An automation run whether you’re there or not. Automation is the way. But for everything you can’t automate, you probably need to have a virtual assistant team. This is really important now.

Remember, 90 percent of the things that you are doing in your business today, someone else could do probably better than you and probably a lot cheaper. So I want you to value your time. Find out what’s creating the most value. Maybe you’re not ready yet. Maybe your business isn’t making enough money yet.

But the question is, “Is your business growing or are you just running your Business?” Have you created a job for yourself or have you created a successful business that doesn’t need you? Think about replacing yourself.

Living the 9010 Life

That’s what The 9010 Life is all about guys. It’s going to be showing people, hand-hold style, on how to get rid of the 90 percent of things that are holding you back from the 10 percent. You will learn how to spend 100 percent of your time doing the 10 percent of things which are valuable to you.

What could you do? How valuable could your time be if you were focusing on the 10 percent that actually is creating more business thus bringing in the value? Or is it about the family? Perhaps you should consider scheduling no meetings past 3 p.m on Tuesdays and Thursdays. That way, you won’t miss your child’s Taekwondo at 05:15 pm every Tuesday and Thursday.

Guess what. I don’t work on Fridays, at least not for my clients. As long as it’s ‘this time’, I’m all about spending my 100 percent in the 10 percent block. So I don’t know if you are, but I implore you to do it.

Need help figuring out how to create processes for your business or the things that should be outsourced. Our virtual assistants can surely help you with that. Just give us a call.


Our team can save you a ton of time and energy that can be better spent elsewhere. 

You know that already, that’s why you’re here!

Digital Marketing Strategist with background in Information Technology, Project Management, and Business Process Outsourcing. An expert in content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and dependent on Virtual Assistants to survive.

As the founder of VA Staffer, he has built a company with over 150+ virtual assistants, specializing in executive assistants and remote teams. Jeff's a master at leveraging AI and human capital to build things fast (and smart). He's a contributor to top business publications such as Entrepreneur and Forbes, and he has been featured on major news networks including ABC and CBS.

Jeff J Hunter

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